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November 2023

Project type:​

Social Media Marketing



Throughout my internship with Mind4Youth, I was responsible for creating and managing Instagram posts and stories that reflected the brand's values and engaged its audience. The primary objective was to use social media to promote positive mental health, educate the audience, and inspire them through visually appealing and meaningful content.




  1. Increase Awareness: Raise awareness about mental health and the importance of mental wellness.

  2. Engage the Audience: Foster a strong connection with the audience by creating content that resonates and encourages interaction.

  3. Educate: Provide valuable insights and knowledge about mental health to help educate the audience.

  4. Inspire and Motivate: Use storytelling and positive messaging to inspire and motivate the audience, encouraging them to overcome challenges.


Content Creation:


The content creation involved crafting engaging Instagram posts and stories that adhered to Mind4Youth's brand values and resonated with its audience. Each post was themed around the importance of positive mental health, using eye-catching graphics and a vibrant color palette. The content aimed to educate the audience on various mental health topics, providing insightful knowledge and promoting mental wellness.


Target Audience & Engagement â€‹


The target audience consisted of individuals interested in mental health, particularly those looking for inspiration and motivation related to mental well-being. The engagement strategy focused on creating content that was not only visually appealing but also meaningful and relevant to the audience's interests. By addressing important mental health topics and providing valuable insights, the content fostered a strong connection with the audience, encouraging interaction and participation.


Visual Design:​

The visual design featured a palette of pinks, greens, whites, and soft pastels, combined with a somewhat maximalist aesthetic. This approach ensured that the content was both attractive and memorable. The use of vibrant colors and detailed graphics helped to captivate the audience's attention and reinforce the positive messaging of the brand.


Educational Content:​


The educational content focused on various aspects of mental health, offering valuable insights and practical advice. The posts and stories were designed to inform and educate the audience on mental wellness, coping strategies, and overcoming challenges. This content aimed to raise awareness and provide support to those seeking information and guidance on mental health issues.




The storytelling approach in the Instagram stories involved creating a narrative that aligned with the brand's positive outlook. Each story was carefully crafted to inspire and motivate the audience, addressing topics related to mental health and personal growth. The goal was to form a meaningful connection with viewers by providing a helpful guide filled with valuable insights and advice. By paying close attention to detail, the stories conveyed a sense of authenticity and empathy, enhancing the overall impact of the content.​

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